Sunday, 19 June 2011

NinJa VS Spartan

the idea is to create a video related to ninja and spartan and use brainient to had some interactive content that will help the viewer gain more information about each warrior while been entertained by the footages

My first task has head of creative was to first found information about each warrior and create the video.
the main issue was to found a movie where you would have both characters interacting but on the fact that they never encountered in history as on is from asia and the other was from europe no movie where made about them and we had not the money nor the time to make such movie  so the solution was to found footage where both character would be in the same situation.and use those footage as a comparison.

So first Why Ninja VS Spartan

         Out of the so many  types warriors those 2 were the more appealing in terms of background information and similarity in  their ways. For instance both were warrior tribes and had to learn to own there skills from an early age, they both had mystical origins the Spartan as descendant of the demit god Hercules and the ninja supposed to be descendant from a demon that was half a man and half a crow both warrior have been a fascination for the western world and been used in many mediums from movies to books and animation.  

reasearch on ninja weapons and history


The Shuriken is the trade mark ninja weapon made famous by the movies and stories about the ninja. The Shuriken was simply a flat piece of metal with sharpened points that were thrown at the enemy.

The Shuriken was not originally designed as a killing weapon. It was mostly used to distract or deter so the ninja could escape. While in the midst of a get-away, the Shuriken could be thrown at the samurai chasing the ninja, possibly making the samurai think twice about continuing the chase

Kusari gama


The Kusari-gama is a combination of a sickle (short scythe) and a long chain with a weight attached to the end of it. The sickle was used in a slashing or stabbing motion, as well as used to block and hook opponents weapons. By holding the chain portion of the weapon, the sickle could be swung around to get a greater reach with it.


The ninja sword (ninja-to) was different than that of the samurai. The long sword that the samurai carried was made of high-carbon steel, and took months to have made. They were hand made specially for each samurai, taking great care to make a very high quality sword. It was so sharp that it could easily cut a man in two, even through their armor. The length of the samurai swords averaged around 26 1/2 to 37 inches.


Though not a primary weapon of the Ninja, nunchakus (also known as "nunchucks") were used because they could be adapted for many situations. Aside from being easy to carry, the nunchakus were used to defend against most any weapon from a bo to a sword. By trapping the blade of a sword with the chain between the two sticks, a Ninja could entangle and disarm a sword-wielding attacker.


The Kunai was a small dagger-type tool that served primarily as a utility knife. It's secondary use was as a weapon, with a sharp point and short handle it was a great throwing weapon. It was also a great close combat weapon as it could be used in very tight situations.


The Ashiko were spiked claws that were worn on the feet. This helped the Ninja climb faster and more efficiently on their missions. As well as a great climbing aid, it could also be used in combat to deliver deadly kicks
Chigiriki(morning star)

This weapon is a 2 foot long straight stick, with a 2-1/2 chain attached to the top with a ball with spikes. This weapon is considered to be the japanese morning star. The chain could be fitted in side the stick like the Kusari-Gama/Kama, and used as a mace.

The ninja would use the poison darts differently depending on the situation. It was not uncommon for the ninja to carry poison darts in his mouth so they could be blown into the enemy's face at close range. If they needed to kill someone quietly, a dart could easily enter the body and be withdrawn without leaving a mark. From a distance the dart could be shot with a blowgun.

it is difficult to pin down the emergence of the first ninja, more properly called shinobi. After all, people around the world have always used spies and assassins.
Japanese folklore states that the ninja descended from a demon that was half man and half crow. However, it seems more likely that the ninja slowly evolved as an opposing force to their upper-class contemporaries, the samurai, in early feudal Japan.
Most sources indicate that the skills that became ninjutsu, the ninja's art of stealth, began to develop between 600-900 A.D. Prince Shotoku, (574-622), is said to have employed Otomono Sahito as a shinobi spy. For a century or more, the blend of Chinese and native tactics that would become ninjutsu developed as a counter-culture, without rules.

It was first formalized by Daisuke Togakure and Kain Doshi.

Daisuke had been a samurai, but he was on the losing side in a regional battle. He lost his lands and his samurai title.

In 1162, Daisuke was wandering the mountains of southwest Honshu when he met Kain Doshi, a Chinese warrior-monk. Daisuke renounced his bushido code, and together the two developed a new theory of guerrilla warfare called ninjutsu.

Daisuke's descendants created the first ninja ryu, or school, the Togakureryu.

Most famous clan
Along with the Iga, the Koga is one of the most famous names in ninjutsu history. In recent years there has been great interest in the west over ninjutsu, and as a result the interest in Koga has also risen. But the majority of the information commonly available has been wrong. This is particularly true of the internet.
First among the misconceptions is the very name of the area and style. While the rest of Japan looks at the characters used in the name of the region and pronounces it 'Koga' (or more correctly 'Kouga' with a long 'o' sound) the residents have long referred to the area as 'Kouka'. Most Japanese do not know this, as they deal only with the characters. But it is amazing how many self- proclaimed master of Koga ryu ninjutsu do not know even the proper term for an art they supposedly learned. For the purposes of this article, I will use the term Koga since it is the more commonly used term.
When Stephen Hayes first introduced Togakure ryu to the west he set up an organization called "The Shadows of Iga" since the Togakure ryu is said to have been passed down through the Iga region of Japan. Many would- be ninja then seem to have set themselves up as Koga ryu, probably to try to explain how their art was so different from that being presented as an Iga style. But in reality, the Iga and Koga regions were very close physically, culturally and politically. Both areas are next to each other and were part of the Suzuka mountain range, with a long shared history. Indeed, until the regions of Japan were determined by the Yamato court along arbitrary lines Iga and Koga were considered part of the same area. Under the new lines drawn, Iga formed a province of itself and Koga was a small part of Omi province just north of Iga. In many ways the Koga area had more in common with Iga than with the rest of Omi. Later Japanese dramas and novels have portrayed the Koga and Iga and being bitter rivals, but aside from a few minor quarrels common to all areas in all of history this was not the case.
Spartan weapon and history

The Spartan’s Primary Weapon: The Dory
The Spartan warriors primary weapon was a spear called a dory. Accounts of its length vary but it is typically believed to have been between 7 to 9 feet (2.1 - 2.7 meters) in length. The spear was held one handed, either over or underhand, perhaps depending on the situation, while the other arm was used to hold up the shield. At the business end there was a bronze or iron curved leaf shaped spearhead with a long, cylindrical socket in which the shaft was placed. Whether iron or bronze was more typical for a Spartan spear point remains an open question. The shaft itself was of cornel wood, selected due to the strength of this wood. Interestingly the wood from this tree is so dense that it actually sinks in water and the name of the tree became synonyms with spears in Greek poetry. Leather would then be wrapped tightly around were the Spartan gripped the spear, obviously for a better grip. The butt of the spear was capped with a butt spike called a sauroter, Greek for ’lizard killer’. This spike had several uses. It could be used to stand the spear up or used as a secondary weapon if the spearhead was broke off. Additionally, any enemies that had fallen could be dispatched by the warriors marching over them in the back ranks of the phalanx who were holding there spears in a vertical position. Of course the sauroter could be used to dispatch lizards as well! Sauroters could have been bronze or iron; perhaps the most typical spear featured an iron head and bronze sauroter.

Spartan Swords – Short &Deadly
Spartan hoplite warriors also carried a short sword called a xiphos. This secondary weapon would have been employed if the crush of battle rendered a hoplites spear useless or if it was broken. Among most Greek warriors this weapon had an iron blade of about two feet (.6 m), however the Spartan version was typically only 12-18 inches. The Spartans shorter weapon proved deadly in the crush caused by colliding phalanxes formations were it was capable of being thrust through gaps in the enemies shield walls and armor were there was no room for longer weapons. The groin and throat were favorite targets of the tenacious Spartans.

In one account an Athenian asked a Spartan why his sword was so short and after a short pause he replied, “It’s long enough to reach your heart.”

The Kopis – The Nasty Spartan Weapon
As an alternative to the xiphos some Spartans selected the dreaded Kopis as their secondary weapon. This was a vicious hacking weapon in the form of a thick, curved iron sword. Warriors would use this weapon more as an axe then a sword, inflicting nasty wounds compared to the cleaner holes made by the spear and xiphos. This weapon was seen as the quintessential "bad guys" weapon in ancient Greece. Athenian art frequently depicted Spartan warriors with this weapon for that reason.

The Old Bashing Shield
The main purpose of the Spartan shield was defensive; however Spartans also used it to bash their opponents. This could be to stun them, knock them down or get some room to use another weapon. The shield could also be used as a killing weapon outright, its weight and thin edge making it a superb blunt weapon. The hoplite shield, or aspis (although it is commonly called a ‘hoplon’), was heavy, weighing about 30 pounds. They were constructed out of wood with an outer layer of bronze. Due to its defensive nature, Spartans using it as a weapon could gain the advantage of surprise. Being clubbed to death by heavy shield may have even been more unpleasant then being hacked apart by a Kopis!

The political institutions of Sparta, notorious for their lack of conventional humanity, are said by ancient Greek historians to have been introduced by Lycurgus. But he is probably a figure of legend. Sparta seems to have delevoped gradually as a practical response to unusual circumstances.

The valley of the Eurotas river, unusually fertile for Greece, is a rich prize conquered in the 12th century BC by Dorians - few but fierce invaders compared to the settled people they overwhelm. A military society is one way of stabilizing such a situation, with an elite group of soldiers keeping the villagers hard at work. When Sparta emerges in history, in the 8th century, a system of this kind is firmly established

The peasants of Sparta, known as helots, are serfs owned by the state. They do all the manual work of the community, enabling the citizens - an exclusively military caste - to concentrate on warfare and politics.

At the age of seven the sons of all Spartan citizens leave home to enter a state education system in which the emphasis is on courage and discipline. Corporal punishment is used not only to punish but also as a test of endurance. This schooling continues to the age of twenty, but there is no evidence that learning to read is part of the curriculum. Girls in Sparta are educated in the same austere virtues, training them to be good wives and mothers. Unlike the boys, they are allowed to live at home.
On graduating from this regime, at the age of twenty, a Spartan becomes a member of a group of men, something like an officer's mess, with whom he will spend most of the rest of his life - leaving them only from time to time, after marriage, for the requirements of conjugal life.

ainful employment plays no part in this manly existence. Spartan citizens are forbidden by law to engage in any money-making activity. Instead each is provided by the state with a lifetime interest in a plot of land. This is farmed for him by the state's slaves. The warrior lives off the produce.

Sparta is able to provide for its citizens in this way thanks to the conquest of Messenia, a rich plain to the west beyond Mount Taygetos. Messenia is annexed in the 8th century. In the 7th, after an uprising against Spartan rule, the Messenians are reduced to the status of helots - more than doubling the amount of land available to support the Spartan army.

Sparta is both strengthened and weakened by this form of exploitation. The weakness derives from the permanent danger that the helots will rise in revolt against their military masters. On several occasions they do so. The constant threat prevents this rigid society from relaxing or developing.
One of the stranger Spartan traditions, which survives through the centuries, is shared rule by two kings. Each crown is hereditary within a family, dating back perhaps to the time when neighbouring villages coalesced to form the original city-state of Sparta. Spartan armies are nearly always led into battle by one of the kings.

The Spartan kings, even when in agreement, do not wield absolute power. The state is governed by a well balanced combination of two kings, five ephors, a council of elders and an assembly of all the citizens (see Ephors and elders). An accepted part of the system is that the kings can be tried by due judicial process, and in practice they quite often are.

Leaders of the Greek world: 6th - 5th century BC

By the middle of the 6th century Sparta is the strongest city-state in Greece. She now assumes a leadership role, involving her neighbours in a defensive alliance which becomes known as the Peloponnesian League. The terms accepted by members of the league are that they will fight under Spartan leadership in any joint campaign and that they will send troops to Sparta in the event of an uprising by the helots.

In return they acquire the protection of the most formidable army in Greece. 

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